Convert videos into gifs that don't suck!

Available for OSX


Without GifGoat

With GifGoat

What does it do!?

Batch Processing

Convert multiple videos simultaneously!

Generated Palettes

GifGoat uses generated color palettes to create high quality gifs. It picks the best set of colors from your input video, instead of using generic colors.

Source: ÜberViz


Small files are good. You want small files. GifGoat uses frame diffing to make your gif smaller.

Actual pixels vs. diffed pixels

Source: Beeple-crap


Set frames per second of your gif. This can dramatically reduce the size of your gif. Try 12fps, why don't you?!

24fps, 3.3mb
12fps, 1.8mb
6fps, 962kb

Source: Temporalis


Control how many colors are used in your gif — yet another way reduce file size. Also doubles as a posterization effect!

256 colors
64 colors
12 colors

Source: Bit Bit Blocks

Quick Resize

Set width OR height of the output, and the other dimension will be auto-calculated! Set both dimensions to stretch (but why!?).

Source: Synergyseeker's Random Spheres

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